Thursday, November 10, 2011

The happiest moment of my Life!

Ha ha... a strange topic to start with... but thanks to my friend Maitreya... for bringing me back to myself. Now stop wondering who Maitreya is, and read the post! ;)

Life is so much about the emotions that we feel, rather than the feats that we achieve, but somehow we give more importance to the latter... Nevertheless, i wouldn't divulge into the complexities of human priorities for now.

When i look back... i know that i have lived so much... yet i can see so few moments... (not that I have a bad memory! Mind it!), its just that things that matter... really... are very few... and one thing is for sure... my first pay check, or my good results in academics (very rare, though), etc are not a part of these moments.

I feel that life is not made of all these glares and flashy achievements, it's very transcendental, it's very micro-cosmic. I remember the moments when we used to sit outside my mom's kitchen (especially when the lights went out), and we used to sing songs... play games like antakshari while she used to feed us by her hands, i remember the moments when hours passed by in worship.. and it felt like minutes, i also remember the moments of laughter, moments of lying and getting caught, moments of hiding and savoring them, even moments of confessing the truth (very rare, again), and the moments when I cried after listening to songs (hey! i don't cry!!!). Some moments of beauty, some moments of desire, some moments of music, and some of contemplation, some moments of getting scolded, and some of getting loved... the moments which I call LIFE! - but the happiest moment of my Life...? is a big question!

I feel a shiver in my body... when i realize, that happiness is very abstract. It's not so dramatic or flimsy.

Still wondering? Let me tell u... i was all ALONE... standing in the wind of rain... rain which did not fall from the sky... but rose from a river... yes, i was standing on a very slippery point... very near to the edge of a giant fall, a fall which easily paves it's way into one of the natural wonders of the world... and it was raining constantly.
The rain was from the smoke of water caused by the river's falling down the rigid canyons with sheer power and stark beauty. It somehow awakened the person inside me, it had to, it was too powerful to resist!

... And while standing there... with my arms stretched, i forgot the world, i had no connection with my past, present or future... i was just there! I felt one with the universe... and truly speaking... i could FEEL! I cannot find a better word for describing my state...
I consider it to be the happiest moment of my life...

In case you are guessing, yes, it was risky standing there, and I did slip a couple of times while trying to reach that majestic point, even though i was very cautious, but what happened to me after I reached there is nothing compared to risking my Life! I was happy, in the true sense of being happy, when i stood there. All my senses were fulfilled. And when i think about being there, it does not leave me craving like all those other cherished moments of my life which i shared earlier, it just makes me complete. I feel blessed.

Life is beautiful. We usually find beauty in things which leave us numb, and which leave us mesmerized or full of awe, or love... but we realize the really beauty of life when we start accepting each and every moment of Life with the same Gracefulness as the happiest moments of our Life!

So, just stay focused friends, life is full of surprises... u never know when the next person or the next moment can take your breath away...



  1. beautifully written dear!!! spiritual vision... wonderful undstandin... in a word i cud just say- WOW!!!

  2. Welcome back Mayaank. Nice comeback. I am really happy to know about your happiest moment of life. Its very true that real beauty lies living in the present moment and nothing can beat that. When we start living at each and every moment of life we feel so lively and its like being in a blessed state.
    Carry on the good work. Cheers... :)

  3. Good post Mayaank... Keep it up

    Shivam urf Maitreya
