My Professional life has been quite a thrilling mix....a mix of everyday events which never fail to amuse me, of-course if I care enough to give them a second thought. And while giving my life this much sought after second thought, I realized that this is not just how my so-called professional life is, this is how each and every person live their lives (or atleast most :P).
So,I am thinking of all the things that make me sad and yet again, I am making another decision, which am sure I will laugh at after a while... but I decide to forgive people that I have blamed, i decide to forgive myself too for things that I have blamed myself for...and for things that make me happy, I decide to cherish their memories for as long as they feel real for!!!
Just as I was about to sign-off, a beautiful pigeon came flying from my open window and sat in my room. Really, am amused!!! :-)
Live on my Friends, Life is never gonna be any less amusing!!!!
The other day, I was stuck in an issue for quite some-time (2 weeks to be precise) and by my expertise (or sheer luck... ;-) ) I was able to get it resolved. After all, you can only keep issues open for so long...., So, I was in a joyous mood to enjoy the evening... and I felt that everything, that everyone around me was saying, sounded irritating to me. Good enough reasons popped out of everything to spoil my party mood. And, finally while I slept like an angry kid in my bed, I wondered if something bad always needs to happen after something good? Is this Life's way of keeping things balanced in our lives....?
We do always find something or someone to blame things upon, and what can be a better option than life itself to put the blame on??? Right???
However, the stark truth is that we control our lives! We can blame it's mishaps on anyone or everyone or even take the blame ourselves, but that does not change our lives. We create our everyday lives through or own idiosyncratic expertise, but the truth still remains the same, that we control our lives and come what so ever, we can always choose to be happy, or sad....!!!
Just as I was about to sign-off, a beautiful pigeon came flying from my open window and sat in my room. Really, am amused!!! :-)
Live on my Friends, Life is never gonna be any less amusing!!!!